The Growing U.S. Opioid Crisis: Lessons From Around the World
Speakers discuss the growing opioid epidemic in cities across the United States, the influx of inexpensive heroin and potent synthetics such as fentanyl, and the lessons the United States can learn from other countries in curbing the deadly crisis.
Here’s what Donald Trump should have said about opioids instead
"One of this administration’s defining features has been its cynicism, on display most recently in Trump’s efforts to avoid criticizing white supremacists and his administration’s shifting positions on the plight of Dreamers. It also shows up in the president’s drug policy."
Trump Sells Snake Oil on Opioids
"The rise in opioid overdose deaths is a real problem that requires an urgent response. However, the Trump administration’s approach has been to ignore the public health-focused recommendations of its own opioids commission by invoking the language of law and order."
Winding Down the War on Drugs
"Even the US government—historically one of the strongest proponents of aggressive enforcement of criminal prohibitions on drug use, possession, production, and distribution—seems to be changing its tune."
The Human Rights Case for Drug Reform
"In my own work as Human Rights Watch’s Colombia researcher from 2004 to 2010, it was clear that the illicit drug market was a major factor in the country’s long-running war involving left-wing guerrilla groups, right-wing paramilitary groups, and security forces."